Vajra Dance Mandala on Earth Globe


The Dance of the Vajra is practiced on a big, five-colored mandala of concentric circles and triangles.
The mandala symbolizes the inner dimension of the individual (microcosm) and the outer dimension of the world (macrocosm).

There are three kinds of mandalas:

The small mandala represents our globe, the Earth.
The medium mandala represents our solar system.
The big mandala represents the whole universe.

At the moment, most mandalas used for the Dance of the Vajra are Earth Mandalas.
They can be seen as a two-dimensional representation of our globe: the small blue point in the center is the North and the South Pole; the colored rings, called thigle, are the parallels; and the golden lines leading from the center to the top of the white and red triangles are the meridians.
The five colors represent the five elements and their functions.

Up to twelve dancers, six men and six women, move in total synchronicity through the mandala’s twelve main dimensions, which symbolize the interdependence and inseparability of male and female energy.

Once these energies are perfectly harmonized by the dance, the practice becomes an experience of calm, intensive joy. It can open into a path of personal evolution towards greater clarity and peaceful collaboration between ourselves and others.

The mandalas for the Vajra Dance can be made of different materials. Some are painted on the floor (wood, stone, concrete), especially those situated in the “gars” and “lings” (i.e. the bigger and smaller centers) of the International Dzogchen Community. Others are portable (painted on Tyvek or printed on pvc) and can be used in gyms or other public places. All measures and colors are based on precise instructions.

For info how to purchase or paint a mandala please write to [email protected].